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What Is A Spiritual Awakening? The Complete Guide — Gareth Michael

The spiritual awakening process is a natural evolution of who we are. Throughout life, we constantly grow and evolve, going through ups and downs, which can sometimes leave us feeling lost and confused. These challenging times are often needed as catalysts for our personal growth, even though we may not be consciously aware of it at the time.

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  • A spirituality blog shares deep insight into the spiritual journey. Written by those familiar with spiritual practice and spiritual life, a spiritual blog will help to guide you on your personal development journey.

  • The spiritual awakening journey can be a confusing one, so spirituality blogs can help to remind you that you’re not alone, and empower you in your spiritual practice.

  • Spiritual healing blogs cover a wide range of areas including personal growth, god space, and even practical topics such as daily meditation. There are many well known spiritual bloggers offering a mindful word, such as Luminita Saviuc (also known as the Purpose Fairy), and Elizabeth Peru, to name just a few.

  • The best spiritual blogs find a balance between religion and spirituality, opening our minds to all possibilities, whilst empowering us to choose what feels right for us.